Winter Sports Stations

It’s almost time for the winter games to start!  I love watching them.  My personal favorites are figure skating and downhill skiing!  Incorporating winter sports is such a fun and easy way to work on fitness.  Setting up fitness stations with a winter sports theme is a fast and fun way to do this using traditional sports that are part of the winter games!

Winter Sports Physical Activity Stations. These are great for winter time and the winter games! A fun brain break for the classroom, perfect for physical education, physical therapy, or occupational therapy!

Winter Sports Stations

These winter sports station ideas are all designed with the Winter Olympics in mind!  They are a great way to add fitness and physical activity to a day.  They can be used as part of literacy or math stations as a brain break, for physical education, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and at home.   As a bonus you can grab ready made Winter Sports Stations at Pink Oatmeal’s shop.  

Curling – This is the perfect station to work on lunges and making sure to use good form while doing them.  Make sure to try walking lunges forward and backward as well.

Skiing – This is a great opportunity to work on jumping.  Work on side to side jumps as well as forward and backward jumps.  Try increasing your speed like you are going down the hill while skiing!

Bobsled – Try wall sits for this.  See how long you can hold this position.  Add a little competition and see who can hold this the longest!

Figure Skating – Add some yoga into the mix with working on your airplane pose at this station!

Cross Country Skiing – Try scissor jumps.  Have your right leg lead, then left leg.  See if you can increase the speed and see who can go the longest.  This station really gets the blood pumping!

Skeleton – Add a little more yoga in and try the bow pose at this station!  Think of yourself as a skeleton racer while holding this pose!

Ski Jumping – This is a great time to work on your squats combined with jumps.  Squat down using good form and jump into the air.  Repeat this action and see if you can get a little higher with each jump.

Luge – Take a little break from all your hard work and try resting pose at this station.  A great time to focus on the present.

Snowboard – Try Warrior 2 pose at this station.  Think of riding down the hill on the snowboard while holding this pose.  You may even want to sway your body back and forth a bit like a snowboarder.

Ice Hockey – Move yourself into a small squat or chair pose and work on twisting side to side like you are using your hockey stick to move down the ice!

See It In Action

Check out the stations in action.  The video shows the stations being moved through quickly so you can get an idea of how to set them up.  I would recommend slowing them up a bit and going through each station first.  That way once the child gets to the station they know exactly what to do!



How about a winter games theme in digital format? Pink Oatmeal has that for you! The Winter Sports Digital Game makes moving with winter sports fun in digital format. This can be used for in person work or is an awesome option for distance learning or teletherapy.

Another bonus, this game can be printed too and you can use the printables! Create an obstacle course, use them as a visual scanning activity, put on a bulletin board, wall, door, or in a hallway. The options are endless!


Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities

Pink Oatmeal has winter sports fine motor activities too! They compliment the winter sports gross motor activities perfectly! There are so many we dedicated an entire post to it!


Winter Sports Clips

Winter Sports Pre-Writing

Winter Sports Pre-Writing

Winter Sports Pom Transfers

Winter Sports Beading

Winter Sports Sticks

Winter Gross Motor

Now that you’ve worked on winter fine motor activities, how about checking out a few of these winter gross motor and winter games activities!

Olympic Rings Gross Motor Activities

Winter Themed Gross Motor Ideas

Winter Themed Yoga Story

Snowflake Hop

Winter Games Gross Motor Activities

Snowball Relay Winter Movement Game

Indoor Ice Skating Winter Gross Motor

Winter Resources From Pink Oatmeal

Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of winter resources for you to choose from. Get everything you need to work on motor skills all winter long!


Click on the name of the images in the photos below to get a full detailed view of the winter resource available at Pink Oatmeal!

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