If you are a regular reader of this website, you know how I’m all about making movement fun and meaningful for kids. I LOVE a good theme and love to incorporate movement in themes. It’s just more fun. In addition to the themes I’ve started to create stories to go along with the ideas. They have been a HUGE hit! The winter yoga story is the first story I’m sharing on the website.
Winter Yoga Story
I created this story to include all of the different winter yoga poses or moves from my winter yoga for kids ideas. Don’t let the word yoga intimidate you. These moves are simple easy and fun. There is no need to be a yogi to enjoy the winter yoga and movement story.
I’ve found it easiest to have visuals to use when reading the winter yoga story, for myself, and for the kids doing it. There are a few options to make this happen! You can purchase the digital and printable version of the Winter Movement Story that includes all the pictures in story form! You can also grab a set of the Winter Yoga Cards and Printables. All the poses go along with the story. . When a movement comes up, have the card ready.
In the story I have all of the poses and movements highlighted so you don’t miss them. I’ve also included a reference sheet so you know what each pose should look like.
Check out my own son (he is 5 years old and a preschooler in this video) doing the winter yoga story. You’ll notice that not every pose is perfect, and that’s okay!
My son loves doing these and trying to remember the poses and movements. Prior to this we’ve done the winter yoga poses a few times too so it only took him a time or two to have all the movements and poses down when I read him the story. It may take you some time your first run through, but you’ll be surprised how quickly the kids will pick up on the different poses.
I’m really loving the story format. It is seriously so much fun and so much engagement.
Even better…
The winter yoga story is also available to you in digital format! I love the look of this story (it can also be printed)! This can be used in Google Slides or PowerPoint. You will have all the pictures of the poses in story format!
Winter Resources From Pink Oatmeal
Pink Oatmeal has a huge selection of winter resources for you to choose from. Get everything you need to work on motor skills all winter long!
Click on the name of the images in the photos below to get a full detailed view of the winter resource available at Pink Oatmeal!
Winter Movement Games Winter Yoga Story Winter Fine Motor Activities Winter Yoga Winter Yoga Bundle Winter Motor Bundle Winter Movement Bundle Winter Yoga Cards and Printables Winter Sports Fine Motor Activities Winter Sports Stations Winter Friends Pre-Writing Winter Counting Movement Game Winter Movement Game Winter Sports Movement Game Winter Wheelchair Game Gnome Upper Extremity Game Winter Brain Break Cards Penguin Life Cycle Winter Sensory and Motor Path Printables Reindeer Life Cycle