As we are approaching C turning 7 months old (How did this happen so fast!) there are some big items that stuck out this month that I absolutely love and so does C. Some of these items were given to me as gifts and I never would have even thought of these but I’m so very glad that we have them. Here are our top 7 items for the 7 months!
In no particular order this is why we love these products this month.
1. Sensory Bags- These have been a hit with him. He grabs them, chews them, and manipulates them. Easy for a seven month old to play with! Easy to make. Follow the tutorial on how to do so!
2. Nose Frida – If you don’t have one of these get one! Best way to blow a baby’s nose hands down! May not be a favorite of the baby. Great option for any age not just seven months!
3. Sophie the Giraffe – We have some teething happening around here. This has been a lovely option to help with the teething! It is also the perfect size toy for C to manipulate on his own at this age.
4. Fresh Food Feeder– We don’t use it for food right now. We put crushed ice in it to assist with the teething. C gets excited when he sees it. We LOVE these!
5. Activity Gym– Yes this has been a toy we have utilized since C was very small but it is still an absolute favorite! Not only is there batting objects going on but also kicking them. He gets himself spun around so his feet hit all of them. Then he loves to balance his elephant on his feet. It’s been a staple toy from day one!
6. O-Ball -This boy must be like his dad in his love for cars! He loves to watch the wheels and he is able to manipulate them easily due to the O-ball feature. We also love our large o-ball that he can easily manipulate. What a great invention I wish I would have thought of it!
7. Halo Sleep Suits – We have a graduate from Merlin’s Magic Suit! These have worked fabulous for us as a way to for C to have a “blanket” at night.
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