Winter Printables – That Promote Physical Activity

Are you looking for quick and fun ways to move this winter?  Do you have kids that need to get all of that energy out?  Maybe you are experiencing indoor recess that results in kids with too much energy!?!  Look no further!  Here are fun winter printables and activities that get the kids moving their bodies and achieve fun and focus!

Winter printables that are designed for physical activity! These are the perfect winter activity for the classroom, home or therapy. They work great for preschool gross motor in the winter too! #printables #winter

Winter Printables and Activities – That Promote Movement

These activities are perfect for a classroom, daycare, or home.  They are awesome for physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech therapy.  Use these printable winter activities for physical education or a brain break!

Winter Kids Yoga

Try posing like an ice skater or like your are snow skiing .  A spin on traditional yoga with a winter theme that the kids can relate too.  The best part, these printables have pictures of real kids doing their best in the poses!  Grab these in the shop.

Winter Yoga

These are the same winter themed yoga poses.  The difference is these have common object pictures (like a snow fort) in place of someone in the pose.  For some kids these are more fun!  You can pick what’s best for your setting – or grab both!  Grab these in the shop .

Winter Brain Break Cards

These printable Christmas activities are fun, fast and efficient! Most can be done in small spaces but still do the job to get that much needed physical activity in!  Get them in the shop.

Hockey Brain Breaks

The quintessential winter sport.  Grab these for free!

Arctic Animal Kids Yoga

Try posing like a polar bear or lemming .  A spin on traditional yoga with an arctic animal theme that the kids can relate too.  The best part, these printables have pictures of real kids doing their best in the poses!  Grab these in the shop.

Arctic Animal Yoga

These are the same winter themed yoga poses.  The difference is these have common object pictures (like a arctic fox) in place of someone in the pose.  For some kids these are more fun!  You can pick what’s best for your setting – or grab both!  Grab these in the shop.  

Arctic Animal Brain Breaks

Fun visual brain break cards.  Pick your favorite arctic animal and see what move you have to perform on the back of it! Grab it in the shop .

Snowflake Hop

A fun gross motor activity that requires music and moving your bodies! Read about how to play this game!  These cards are part of Winter Themed Yoga, Brain Breaks and Games -Get them in the Shop

Snowball Relay

A fun relay game where you collect all the letters to spell snowball or snow depending on your preference. These cards are part of Winter Themed Yoga, Brain Breaks and Games – Get them in the Shop

Skate Across The Pond

A fun dice game where you roll and move your body as you skate across the pond! This game is part of Winter Themed Yoga, Brain Breaks and Games -Get this game in the Shop

Snowfort Dice

Knock out blocks on the snow fort as you move your body with this fun winter themed dice game designed to get the energy out this winter! This game is part of Winter Themed Yoga, Brain Breaks and Games -Get this game in the Shop

Snow Dice

Another fun dice game designed to move with a winter theme! This game is part of Winter Themed Yoga, Brain Breaks and Games – TpT or Shop

Save On Winter Printables

We are making it possible for you to save money on winter printables that promote physical activity!  There are a couple of different winter themed bundles from you to choose from!  Make movement a part of everyday!

Winter Activities Bundle

Included in this bundle is the Winter Kids Yoga, Winter Yoga, Brain Breaks, and Games Pack, Winter Brain Breaks, and Arctic Animal Kids Yoga.  Save money when buying in a bundle!

Winter Brain Break Bundle

Get all of your favorite cold weather brain breaks in this pack!  Included in this pack are brain break cards – Winter, Basketball, Gingerbread, Christmas and Bonus – Reindeer & Hockey Freebies!


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