The farm theme is one of the best themes for both gross motor and fine motor planning activities. With all the animals and fun things happening at the farm it’s easy to incorporate farm themed fine motor and gross motor activities. Today I’m going to share with you some fun ideas to help you get started with your farm themed motor planning!
Farm Themed Motor Planning
Start off your farm theme with farm themed moo-vement and yoga. (Did you see the pun there :)?) This is a fun and easy way to move like animals that both you and your kids will love! You can read about all of the different farm themed yoga poses for kids!
Animal Herding
Looking for a fun game where you can make sure the animals are all in their pen? Play this fun game. Balloons or balls will do for this game?
Farm Themed Movement Cards
Farm themed movement cards are a great option for gross motor if you want simple farm themed movements. It’s fun to see how the kids interpet the different movements of the farm animals when you use these cards.
Other fun ways to use these cards include…
- Have kids move across a room or gym using the cards.
- Let the kids each take a turn drawing a card.
- Have full sized cards in a calming corner or brain break corner.
- Use at a morning meeting.
- Use in therapy.
- Use during circle time.
Farm Themed Motor Planning – Fence Walking
Place tape or balance beams on the floor. Use them to work on balance. Call this activivity walking the fence!
Food Picking/Harvest
One of farmers big jobs includes growing food for us to eat. Make a harvest activity out of gross motor. The video below is an example of apple picking but you could change it to any type of food you would like!
Farm Themed Fine Motor
There are so many different fun ways to make fine motor into a farm theme! Check out all of the different ideas for farm themed fine motor.