My son drinks out of a straw for nearly every meal. I started to notice how he was playing with his straw and working on putting it in and out of the hole on his cup. It’s pretty cool to see how little kids learn through every day life and free play. I decided that I could easily replicate this for him and let him continue to work on his fine motor development. Plus, I had a ton of cardboard straws laying around that I’d bought for his birthday party. They were really cute but totally unpractical! Who wants soggy cardboard when they are enjoying their drink?
You just need a container with a cover large enough to fit the length of a straw, straws, and a scissors or hole punch. I’d suggest using an oatmeal container. It’s simple and plenty long for straws. If you’ve made my delicious oatmeal balls you probably have one laying around. If you haven’t made them it is the perfect excuse to get one, they are so good!
Toddler Fine Motor Activity
Simply cut or punch holes into the top of the container and make sure they are large enough for the straws to fit in. You can vary the size of the holes as well. Place the top back on the container and you have your toy. See it in action!
Let your toddler have fun playing. Remember, they are toddlers and may only stay interested in the activity for a very short time. At my house, we get a minute or less of play each time he uses his container. That’s the beauty of making easy toys for toddlers at home!
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My store at Pink Oatmeal is full of ideas to get the kids moving at home, in the classroom, and in therapy! If you prefer Teachers Pay Teachers you can find me there too!