Apple Toss – Gross Motor Game
The printables for this apple themed game can be found in the Fall Themed Movement Games from Pink Oatmeal.GET THE FALL THEMED MOVEMENT GAMES
Needed: Apples With Action Words, Ball or Bean Bag Start by creating apples with action words in them. Some examples of the action words I use are jump, twist, balance, squat etc. Next, place them on the wall or on the floor. Use whatever means you need to get them to stay whether it be tape, tacks etc. For repetitive use laminating them may not be a bad idea. Next get your bean bag or ball ready to be tossed at the wall or on the floor (bean bags for floor). Each child takes a turn tossing the ball/bean bag at the wall (working on eye-hand coordination). If they hit an apple they have to perform that action. Once they have performed the action they get to “pick” the apple off the wall or off the floor.The object of the game is to get all the apples “picked” off the wall. If you are playing in teams the winning team could have the most apples picked.
This apple game is perfect for your gross motor needs! See even more apple themed motor planning ideas!