Last year I made a commitment to get super organized and it took some time in the beginning, but now it’s easy and let me tell you it makes my heart so happy! Whether you are organizing a therapy room, your car or a closet, these are therapist organization must-haves that you won’t regret!
Therapist Organization Must-Haves
Task Card Organization Box: This is where I use photo organization storage boxes. These are perfect for task cards that come 4 per page. I LOVE these. They are pictured below. You can find these on Amazon, Hobby Lobby or Michaels stores. I store all my task cards in these boxes. I stay so organized!
Larger Task Card Box: For all the half page task cards or handouts you have, get a greeting card storage box. These fit the bill perfect for the half page task cards.
Dry Erase Page Protectors: I love these!!! They are fantastic for storage and you can write with a dry erase marker right on them. On top of that, they come with ring which makes storage even better. I tend to store similar materials all in one folder!
Pencil Case Holders: A basic pencil case is all you need to store certain task cards that go along with manipulatives. Put a label on it and you are done! Pick these up on Amazon, Target, Walmart or anywhere you can find a decent pencil case.
Three Ring Binders: Of course three ring binders are a must! My favorite way I use three ring binders is for printing off multiple copies of handouts so I can pull one out at anytime. For example, I have a three ring binder dedicated to different handouts like school vs medical therapy. I will print off a few copies of my handouts and place them in the three ring binder. It’s also a great option for worksheets such as fine motor or visual motor sheets.
Large Photo Storage: I use large photo storage for laminated printables such as dough pages or gross motor board games. I love to laminate the game with the directions on the opposite side and store them right in these large photo storage boxes.
Accordion Style File Folders: These are not for your files, but instead your full page printable games and activities! The kind that fold up nicely make it easy to carry and travel with. This is also a great place to store those items that I’m not currently using.
Plastic Wash Tubs: Awesome to use to carry items such as bean bags, tennis balls, or Squigz, but they also double as a target, for example throwing bean bags into the washtubs.
Laminator: These are fantastic for laminating worksheets and task cards. Laminated sheets can be used over and over again. I tend to keep these in 3-ring binders or protective cases that can be written on.
Therapist Organization Must-Haves from Pink Oatmeal
1: Organizational Resources Section of the Shop: Pink Oatmeal has several resources and templates ready for you.
There are a couple pages worth, but here is a couple I want to highlight from this email, but be sure to check them all out.
Task Card and Storage Labels
2. Handouts Section: Pink Oatmeal has created several handouts for you to start your year off on the right foot! Many of these are available in a digital manner so you can print as is, edit to make your own and even copy and paste into an email if you prefer. This sections is golden and an absolute time saver!
3: Links to all of the Organizational Products from Amazon: This includes products mentioned above as well as other favorite organizational options.
4: Leveraging Technology for Efficiency Course: Moving your files online can truly be a game changer when it comes to staying organized.
If you have task cards, printables, games or are an All-Access Pass Member (if you aren’t get in now!) you can make your heart happy with all this fantastic organization too! Like one All-Access member said. “I’m like a kid in a candy store now! You save me time and keep things fun!” Now you can sort through all the goodness and have it even more organized!