Reflex integration is the process by which primitive reflexes in the body are gradually replaced by more mature movements and responses. Primitive reflexes are automatic movements that are present in infants, which help them survive in their early stages of development.
As the child grows and develops, these primitive reflexes are gradually integrated into more complex movements for optimal functioning. When this doesn’t happen it may be referred to as retained primitive reflexes.
Retained primitive reflexes are primitive reflexes that persist beyond the typical developmental timeframe and should have been integrated by a certain age.
The thought is that when primitive reflexes are retained, they may interfere with the development of normal motor skills, balance, coordination, and other important functions. This is where reflex integration therapy comes in.
Reflex integration therapy, is a type of therapy that aims to help integrate primitive reflexes and improve motor function and coordination. The therapy is based on the understanding that retained primitive reflexes can interfere with normal motor development and other functions. The goal is to develop and mature the body’s reflexes for optimal function.
I know this area can be a very hot topic of debate amongst therapy professionals. Some many argue their isn’t high quality evidence supporting the use, while others may argue that their isn’t enough research on it, and others may say it’s working wonders for their patients.
This page is not in support or against this topic. It’s simply a list of resources that you can use to investigate primitive reflexes more and make your own professional decision on how you see them fitting into your practice.
Reflex Integration Resources
1) Sonia Story from Move, Play, Thrive runs the course Brain and Sensory Foundations This is the resource I’ve look into the most to make sure the feedback was good from those that have invested in it. I’ve sought out feedback on this course from others that have taken this course, and it’s all been good. I’ve searched for feedback in different Facebook groups on this course, and I’ve found positive feedback. She is currently offering a free 47 page resource in regards to information about how reflex integration and rhythmical movements are related to occupations.
*There are several CEU’s available for this course. All information on CEU’s can be found on the course page.*
2) Harkla has a Primitive Reflexes Course Available – there courses are newer and because of this, I do not have as much feedback to share from others in regards to what they offer. There course is taught by Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants that have a certificate in Primitive Reflex Integration. (CEU’s Available)
3) Sensational Brain offers a course on primitive reflexes that is taught by an occupational therapist. She also teaches a primitive reflex course specific to the school based therapist. (CEU’s Available)
4) MNRI has information on the MNRI method including several different resources on their website. There are also courses with CEU’s available.
5) PESI courses – There are courses available from PESI on primitive reflexes as well.
6) – an excellent resource to use to look up research in regards to reflex integration for high quality, peer reviewed articles. Google Scholar “provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.”
7) Ready Bodies, Learning Minds
9) Reflex Integration Through Play Books – there are several books included in this series. These are authored by Kokeb McDonald who is a pediatric occupational therapist.
10) Vital Links Course – According to the website, Vital links is run by occupational therapists.
Do you have any other resources that have been particular helpful for you? Please let me know so that I can add them to this page.
Also be sure to check out our therapist page for more helpful resources!